Category: Termites

Preparing for Termite Tenting

Preparing Your Home for Termite Tenting: A Step-by-Step Guide

Termites can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare, causing significant damage if left unchecked. When it comes to tackling a termite infestation, tenting is one of the most effective methods. This process involves covering the home with a tent and fumigating

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Fall Termite Maintenance: What to Do in the Off Months

Fall Termite Maintenance: What to Do in the Off Months

As the fall season settles in and the temperatures start to drop, many Florida homeowners may think they’re in the clear when it comes to termite troubles. However, fall is actually a prime time for some species of drywood and

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JD Smith Blog Post - Understanding WDO Inspections_ What to Expect and Why You Need One

Understanding WDO Inspections: What to Expect and Why You Need One

When it comes to protecting your home from unwanted guests, it’s not just the human kind you should be concerned about. Wood-destroying organisms (WDOs) like termites, carpenter ants, and wood-boring beetles can silently wreak havoc on your property, causing structural

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JD Smith Blog Post - Termite Treatment Options Tent or No Tent

Termite Treatment Options: Tent or No Tent?

Termites are annoying when they invade our homes because, unlike to many other bugs, they do real damage. They’re insects that live in colonies and feed on wood, and that combination leads to massive damage to our properties. We’re talking

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JD Smith Pest Control Blog Post - Subterranean Termite Treatment

 Subterranean Termite Treatment

Subterranean termites cause extensive – and expensive – damage to homes in Florida. Yours doesn’t have to be one of them. On this resource page, you’ll learn some basic facts about subterranean termites, along with the warning signs that they

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JD Smith Pest Blog Post - How to Treat Drywood Termites

How to Treat Drywood Termites 

Drywood termites are insects that are among the most annoying pests here in Florida. They feed on cellulose, which is found in the organic material in wood, paper, plants, and sheetrock. This is why you’ll often find them in our

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JD Smith Pest Control Blog Post - How to Spot Drywood Termites

 How to Spot Drywood Termites

Drywood termites live in wood, which is a popular building material, so you’ll often find them in wood baseboards, door frames, and attics. You can spot them by the damage they cause to the wood they use for food and

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termites damage home macro close up termites in anthill

 How to Pre-Treat for Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites make their home in the ground, where they can find plenty of water. To feed, however, they will enter homes like yours and eat the wood that’s in your walls and attic. They often live in large colonies

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How to Deal With Drywood Termites

In previous articles, we’ve helped you know how to identify the signs of termites in Florida homes. In this article, we’ll look at one of the most common types of these pests: the drywood termite.   What are drywood termites?

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